Got some updates done on my website, you might want to have a look at.
On Wednesday went to the city and got a new pair of hoof nippers, so now I'm all set to get trimming feet. Did Nebbie's fronts, she was so good, so I thought OK we are on a role, I'll do Blondie next as I want to get her back out to pasture. Last time she got her feet done, she was perfect, but I guess she didn't want to spoil her record and desided that she did NOT want to get her feet done. Well, end result an hour and half later, she got her feet trimmed. The oldest boy was a big help, and is thinking about taking the farrier course with me in the spring. Wouldn't it be great to have a farrier in the family??
The foals are all leading pretty nice now, stand tied and are starting to pick up their feet. I included a picture of them all tied to the fence enjoying their breakfast. On the far left is Tyler's late yearling filly Wendy. He's using her in 4-H this year in the young horse project, so that's real exciting.
That's Nicole riding Tara in the right hand picture.