Had some baby ducks hatch last week, and the rowen's are hatching right now. Darn, but those babies are so cute.
We haven't been getting the rain some other places have been, thank goodness. Lots of hay that was cut way to soon and is now lying rotting in the field. People must be patient when cuttin hay and wait for a decent forcast.
Both boys are off the rest of the week, 4-h and Calgary, they will have lots of fun, and I'm going to clean while they are gone yeah! and maybe paint. Nothing like paint for freshening up a house.
We picked out some tile for bathroom, It's going to look great.
Been working with the horses, even though I haven't been riding much the last few weeks. Rosie has done a complete 360 degree turn around, and is now my pocket pony. She's still a little jumpy, but has come so far, I can hardly wait to ride her.