Sunday, April 20, 2008

where did the winter go?

We had our first baby this year, a cute little filly from Glory. I've been waiting for a filly from this mare forever and finially got one! Born right on her due date, April 19. She beat the storm by a few hours. We are now in the midst of a full blown spring snow storm with 40 to 80 cm of snow expected to fall. I put her coat on her and sent her out to play for an hour with her mom this AM while I cleaned out the stall. She didn't care that it was snowing like crazy, she was running around having fun.

Lesa and I have made it to the arena almost every week, yeah us! This weekend, however we are off to the mane event. Irene is joining us and we are going to have a wonderful time. I'm bringing Mira to demo, hope she does OK. The CRTWH is also hosting a booth that I'm going to spend some time in, so come visit me.

We've got 4 more foals to come, it will be

nice when they are all done. It seems like it's been way more than a year since I've bred those mares. We've been having more goat babies too. Had a set of quads the other day, but lost one. Oh well, three healthy babies is pretty good. Opps, Wes just came in and another doe kidded twins, that makes 10 babies for April, and a total of 47 babies since Jan.

Went to the odd and unusual sale a couple of weeks ago and came home with some more critters. A large bunny with black spots, 3 call ducks, 6 duckling (Indian Runners and Swedish Blue), and some goose eggs to hatch. I'm banned from going to any more sales.

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