Sunday, November 25, 2007

November 2007

We have some bad news to share. Tyler's yearling filly, CSR Tyler's Blazen Wendy died on the morning of Nov 6. I looked out the window in the morning to her pasture and saw her there. It was quite a shock, although she had been acting tired for the last week, she had a good apitite cleaning up her TwizWhiz and grain every night. To the right is a picture of Wendy with her dam Tinkerbelle and Tyler.

On a happier note, we've been busy working with the young horses. Got most of the pens ready for winter now and the chickens moved to the warmer coops. The goats got wormed and vaccinated today, we've got lots of wood in, and I've got most of the barn winterized. It's supposed to be cold for the rest of the week, then warmer again. Great for winter riding. Nebbie is coming along real nice now, I've got four rides on her now, Saturday being the last day I rode her. It was pretty windy and snowing and getting dark, but she was game to do anything I asked. Razz's ground work is progressing nicely, although we still have some work to do before he's ready for his first ride.

Lisa and I are going to make a concerted effort to go to the Willingdon arena every Thursday night for some riding. Anybody close by is more than welcome to join us. We would also like to go to the St Paul arena, but time scheduals make it more difficult to get to during the day.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

This Week

Got some updates done on my website, you might want to have a look at.

On Wednesday went to the city and got a new pair of hoof nippers, so now I'm all set to get trimming feet. Did Nebbie's fronts, she was so good, so I thought OK we are on a role, I'll do Blondie next as I want to get her back out to pasture. Last time she got her feet done, she was perfect, but I guess she didn't want to spoil her record and desided that she did NOT want to get her feet done. Well, end result an hour and half later, she got her feet trimmed. The oldest boy was a big help, and is thinking about taking the farrier course with me in the spring. Wouldn't it be great to have a farrier in the family??

The foals are all leading pretty nice now, stand tied and are starting to pick up their feet. I included a picture of them all tied to the fence enjoying their breakfast. On the far left is Tyler's late yearling filly Wendy. He's using her in 4-H this year in the young horse project, so that's real exciting.

Lesa and I made the trip out to Leduc to visit our two mares Smartie and Tara. We took them to Nicole Hirsekorn to get some riding time on them as I'm just too busy right now. They are coming along real nice, and we are going to leave them there for an extra two weeks. Lets hope the weather holds. I did hop on Tara for a short ride, she did have one little spook, and then I was OK. I didn't breed her for next year as I want her to well broke to trail before she has anymore babies. Then I'll put in my order for a classic champaigne colt.
That's Nicole riding Tara in the right hand picture.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

WOW, it's fall already

I can't believe that it's been since August that I posted last. Just don't know where the time has gone. School's back in, so I'm back driving my bus. It's getting pretty dark in the morning now and evenings the sun is setting even faster. The weather has been holding out for some fabulous riding, it's just too dark too soon.
Picture is of Kid Rascal, more about him in the next paragraph.

Well, Lesa went and bought herself a real nice little mare. Was scanning the bargain finder and found a full sister to Mornin'. She's just 5 years old and a real sweety. I'm getting her 30 days on her, by then winter will be here, but hope to have a few decent rides on her before the snow flies. We have good intentions of going to the Willingdon arena at least once a week to work on all these horses.

Also, brought home Kid Rascal, the other day to start working on him. He's quite the mover, I'm really excited to get him going. He has a real sweet personality too. Weaned all the foals now, the boys all lead nicely and enjoy our attention, the girl needs a little work though. She's in the barn for now, then once she's done I'll be bring in the yearlings for a week or two in the barn and doing some ground work with them.

Had an excellent trail ride at Debbie's last weekend. It started off a bit windy, but once we were on the lease land with the big trees it was really nice. We went with two of the neighbor girls, and Lesa. Lesa got to try her new Dixieland saddle and had a really good ride on Delight. Couldn't believe the difference a well fitting saddle made. We all had on our new ride and tie halter bridles that Bev made us, each custom coloured for us.

Saturday, August 25, 2007


Well, Banjo found a new home today. They are avide trail riders and he is off to his first trip to the mountains next week. Good luck Banjo and we will miss you, especially Tyler who rode him a lot this year. Banjo also was used as a clinic demo horse for a weekend in July, gave a 4-H'er from Nova Scotia the thrill of riding a walking horse during his stay with us and took Tyler on many trail rides both on the farm and away.

However, the work goes on. I have a fabulous 3 year old gelding in for training that is just a joy to watch in the round pen. He is huge, almost 16hh now with such a super way of going. I'd say a light shod show contender for sure. Also pretty laid back. Can hardly wait to get in the saddle. I'm also working on a cute little QH filly who's just the opposite -short, fat and sassy.
Now I'm going to have to ride Angel, she did so well at the clinic. She is such a huge mare, but pupy dog friendly. Mira and I are still working on her canter. Tyler was getting her to do a hand gallop in the hay field the other day bare back, so I should be able to canter her in an arena right?
So, we've got lots of horses to ride, but we will still miss Banjo.

Took a load of goats for sale the other day, the goat market is very good right now, with demand far exceding supply.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

ride at the Blackfoot

We made our trip to the Blackfoot trails and what a wonderful day. Debbie was riding her new horse Mornin', Lesa was up on Delight, Bev took TC out for a ride, Tyler rode Banjo on his first major trail ride and I was up on Mira. It was a perfect day, not too hot, the rain held off, no bugs and the horses all behaved wonderfully. I didn't see any wild life, yeah! We are all trying hard to meet once a week, or every other week and go for a good ride.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Hi from the ranch

I thought it was high time I started this blog. I always have so much to say and not always someone to say it to. There is nothing like reaching a goal with a horse's training or coming back from the most amazing trail ride and being able to share the experience. I hope to use this blog to share some of these things and more, such as when a new foal is born, any shows we attend, the weather and how it is affecting us, and a few tails from the goat pen as well.

So long for now,
